Linear Motor Driven Ultra Stages
Linear Motor Ultra Stages can achieve sub-micron accuracy with position repeatability of + 1 encoder count. Featuring Parker Bayside''s patented AutoFlex Preload, Linear Motor Ultra Stages provide exceptional smoothness of motion for constant velocity requirements in scanning applications. The AutoFlex preload provides a unique thermal compensation method, eliminating any effects of expansion / contraction on bearing performance. The brushless linear motor is mounted inverted, with the ironless coil attached to the stationary base, eliminating moving wires.
Screw-Driven Ultra Stages
Traditional Ultra Stages are provided with either a ball screw or lead screw mounted alongside the stage. This stage configuration allows easy mounting of any step or servo motor with a flexible coupling. The ball screw version provides high speed and high force for dynamic move-and-settle applications. The lead screw version provides exceptional smoothness for slo